New Year Angel

GENRE: Melodrama

English Title: New Year Angel
Duration: 45′
Episode: 2
Original Language: Russian
Original Title: New Year Angel

Nastya grew up in an orphanage, and now she works as a doctor, disappearing in the hospital for days. For many years, Nastya has already come to terms with the idea that she celebrates every New Year alone. Only this time, a lot of troubles fall on her head: the girl is kicked out of the dorms, she almost gets hit by the car by the lawyer Sergey. Sergei is also upset, because on the holiday he quarreled with his bride. A new friend by misfortune offers to give a girl a ride, and during the trip they get into an accident…​

Nastya saves the driver by pulling him out of the burning car. And by an unforeseen accident, the parents of Sergei, who has not yet regained consciousness, decide that it is Nastya who is their son’s bride. Only Sergey’s brother, Victor, believes that Nastya is deceiving everyone.​

But what feelings does Viktor really hide, and will Nastya dare to admit to everyone that she is a casual acquaintance?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​